We are committed to helping you embrace, harness, influence and unleash the potent forces of change, measurably improve organizational effectiveness, and reinforce the fresh work habits that are essential to thrive in today’s global marketplace.
HuManagement Consulting: With JPI any prescription before a thorough diagnosis is malpractice. Every client receives a customized need analysis prior to any service prescription performed. JPI performance improvement solutions are tailored to your organization’s specific needs.
Motivational Keynote Presentations: Powerful, high impact, heartfelt customized presentations that ride on the wings of humor that will soothe, move, ignite, and excite your most valuable asset…your people! Personally mentored by Zig Ziglar, James adds his infinite spiritual wisdom and vast business experience to help increase your bottom profits.
Customized Training: Interactive, experiential, proven, best practice character development training programs that deliver maximum impact in minimal time. Tailored programs that teach executives, managers and employees from the front desk to the back door how to accept, embrace, thrive, and encourage positive change by way of continuous improvement of our people, processes, products, and production.
Multimedia Learning: High impact professional development
Programs that coach executives, managers and team members on how to improve personal and professional performance, increase organizational productivity, and enhance bottom line profitability during change.